Hi, I'm Jarryd Harris!

I'm a recent Statistics and Computer Science graduate from the University of Sydney.

Scroll down to check out some of my projects!

GCP AutoML NLP Sentiment Analysis

This showcases Googles AutoML NLP model builder. The model is trained on thousands of airline tweets and hosted using Google Cloud Run.

Natural-Language-Processing Python Google-Cloud-Platform Sentiment-Analysis Tweets AutoML Docker Dash

SYNCS Hackathon 2021

SYNCS (Sydney Computing Society) Hackathon 2021 Finalist. My role in the team involved setting up a video encoding, GCP Speech-to-Text and keyword extraction pipeline. I also pitched the project to the judges.

Natural-Language-Processing Speech-to-Text Keyword-Extraction Python Google-Cloud-Platform

Speech and Language Therapy App

A simple web app for tracking and communicating therapy results

R Shiny WebApp DataVis

Martingale Simulator

A simple app to show the results of betting at roulette with a Martingale strategy.

Python Dash Plotly Pandas Probability WebApp DataVis

The Monty Hall Problem

My first JavaScript project! Probability outreach aimed at young students.

JavaScript d3.js Story-Telling DataVis Communication